Paragon Casino Resort and Tamahka Trails Golf Club offers a variety of Stay and Play Packages, each customized to your specific needs. Whether you want to get away with your spouse for a relaxing round or looking for fun and gaming with your golfing buddies, Paragon Casino Resort and Tamahka Trails is the perfect venue. With a wide variety of attractions, Paragon Casino Resort is well suited for families, couples, buddy trips and active adults.
Our aptly named Stay & Play & Play packages refer not only to our exclusive Unlimited Daily Golf* programs, but also the unlimited entertainment options at Paragon Casino Resort. Whether you are looking for a romantic evening of fine-dining and a movie or an exciting night of gaming, our Stay & Play & Play packages were created to provide endless fun and entertainment.
Package Includes
* Complimentary Overnight Club Storage.
* Complimentary Shuttle Service to and from the hotel or RV Resort and the golf course.
* All VIP Tournament Services. (see Outings & Tournaments page)
* $10 Food & Beverage voucher for Tamahka Grill (included in Hotel | Golf Packages only)
* Up to 90-day advance reservations.
* Unlimited Daily Golf is based on availability only.
For More Information:
Tamahka Trails Golf Club
Call: 800.784.7760